About Me

My photo
Ben Sowry is a budding photographer from the south coast of NSW, Australia. Having always had an interest in photography and a flare with his writing skills, this blog was created to show the world the gradual developement of his photography and the limitations that this young man is willing to push to achieve better photos. If you have any advice for him or other enquiries relating to his photos, feel free to leave a comment or email him at bensowryimaging@hotmail.com

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Summers Secret Slabs

And who said summer swell was a drag?...Gee-whizz, if this is summer, bring on winter!!
Thursday, 25th February. Almost all beachies and reefs were vacated. The waves were scarce and the riders were non-existent. However, perseverance proved to be the upper hand this day. The boat hammered through the choppy swell as we trolled towards our destination, and there she was... the sun beamed gentley off the face of the waves, perfectly hidden from the wind, pristine walls of pure power gloriously exploding onto the barnacle covered reef. Perfection, yes.


  1. oooh are you in OZ now? if so if you see Leeann Currenn tell her, her Best friend says YO. ( think she would think that was strang yet funny)
    if you are not in OZ now...then this comment is pretttty stupid.

  2. Ben these are so amazing!
    especially the 4th picture i jsut love it
    keep up the good work :)
